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Health and Wellness

  • Happiness is an Inside Job

    about 3 years ago by Alessyn Hecht

    Happiness is an inside job.It’s also the key to avoiding burnout. Have you ever noticed that when you are truly interested in something, you seem to have MORE than enough energy to get it done, no matter what else is going on in your life? This comes down to your mindset. The truth is (physical health conditions permitting) your mind will always give you enough energy to do ...

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    Photo By Andre Furtado From Pexels
  • Sitting is the New Smoking

    over 3 years ago by Alessyn Hecht

    Sitting is the new smoking! And the bad news is that even if you went to the gym this morning but then went and sat all day at work, the benefits of the hour of exercise this morning are negated by sitting all day.According to a review by the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute of over 40 research studies on sitting and health risks researchers reached that consensus conclusion...

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    Photo By Olia Danilevich From Pexels
  • Wonder Woman vs Stress

    over 6 years ago by Laura Barratt

    Don’t you hate the tight grip of stress around your whole entire being before you have to do a presentation in front of a group of peers? Or clear up conflict with a colleague? Or be incredible in that job interview that you so desperately want? We all do, and I’m about to explain how Wonder Woman can help you in any situation.Firstly, I am in a very fortunate position (fina...

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  • Work-Life Balance or Unachievable Myth?

    over 6 years ago by Laura Barratt

    How do we manage to have a work-life balance when we are expected to be always available?Work-life balance is a funny thing. The term was first used in the UK to describe the equilibrium between an employee’s work and their out of work (personal) life. The United States started using the term in the mid ‘80’s when many industries experienced prosperity, others never gaining ...

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